"I'm a redhead now."
I think most natural redheads would have something to say if I actually uttered this out loud. At the very least, I might get a raised eyebrow. Red is probably one of the only hair colors that women rally around as a statement of identity; natural redheads tend to be fiercely proud. And why shouldn't they be? Red hair is a recessive trait, and it's one of the most rapidly dwindling ones on the planet. Red hair holds an allure and a mystique over people of all genders; it's sexy and I doubt you'll find anyone to disagree with you on that. In 200 years, it might be gone. Red hair comes as a package with pale skin; you rarely find it on women with darker skin tones or outside of Northern European ethnicity, and that's a perfect indication as to whether a girl is a bottle redhead or a natural one.
Why all the hype about red hair?
Well, I dyed my hair red a few weeks ago.
Would I ever turn around and go to a Redhead Pride rally? No...I'd feel like a fraud. But that doesn't mean I'm not slowly edging toward referring to myself as a redhead (as opposed to Redhead). I've got the milky white Scandinavian skin to complement it, and not everyone's got that. And it makes my blue eyes pop. Add to that that it's a wonderful statement about my sense of Nordic ancestral and spiritual identity; a lot of people associate red hair with Ireland, but it never existed there before the Vikings brought it in the 800's. Red hair is a Germanic genetic marker, not an Irish or Celtic one.
What has it done for me? It's softened my disposition. I don't come off quite as severe and bitchy anymore. I *feel* softer, mellower, somehow sexier and yet a little less assertive. I think it's brought me into alignment with myself. I don't get the same uninvited hostile looks from strangers. I guess red goes better with the personality I naturally project, or it softens the one I've got. I'm not sure which it is, but I feel incredible.
Outside opinions, however unimportant they should be, all agree that it makes my skin look lovely and my eyes look stunning, that it really works for me. And Lindsay thinks it's crazy sexy. Hers is the only important opinion...after all, she's the one that has to wake up next to me every morning.
I've known more than one non-natural redhead that's gone red and have it look perfect and natural. I've joined their ranks. I may not be a Redhead, but I'm definitely a redhead now.
And I love it.